Plavac Mali – the king of wines of Croatia – one of the most famous of the Croatian local wines.
The wine proudly carries the third place in the rating of the quantity of wines produced in Croatia, right after the Grasevina and Istarska Malvazija.
The best high-quality Plavac Mali wines are crafted in the Dingac and Postup regions of the Pelesac peninsula, on the south side of the Hvar island, as well as partially at the vineyards of the Brac and Vis islands.
The Plavac grapes usually possess a very distinct dark-blue colour; they have thick skin and high levels of sugar. That grape species bears fruit regularly and lavishly.
The typical alcohol percentage in the classic Plavac Mali wine ranges between 12 and 13.5 %, and usually appear as the mildly bitter and tart dark-ruby coloured wines, with the distinct aroma and taste.
The smell of the Plavac Mali is easily recognisable: as per the rule of thumb, it reads as the combination of the sweet notes of the sweet or even baked fruits, the sweet cherry, blueberry and prune aroma, as well as the slightly musky undertone.
Plavac Mali is excellent with mature, salty and spicy cheeses; it also works well with meats – such as the boar or the beef in rich sauces.
The Plavac Mali wine is the first type of wine to be registered as originally created in Croatia.